

ZOE : (http://www.ksoeursdelamode.blogspot.com/) &( http://www.hautezoe.blogspot.com/)



At school on thursday i saw alot of cute outfit choices on my "peers". The first pic is of my friend lexus (she wants to be a model) i love her vintage red blazer, the color is vibrant, and the gold buttons with black cuffs give it a nice chic look..i think she wore it perfectly.Next is gwen, her outfit is super casual. I love how the navy blue and white sailor shirt fits perfect with her leather jacket. Then its Sammy, i was drawn in by the fit of her blouse and the design on it, her chucks are nice too. I saw my friend Carla and my eyes automatically went to her feet...i fell in LOVE with her boots!! The color, style, everything..the fact that they look good with leg warmers up or down..the fact that the come with leg warmers! It took everything in me not to jump her for her shoes :)....Mickey has been talking about these floral oxfords for the LONGEST im super happy she finally got them, they look amazing and the outfit she wore for the debut of them was perfect because the oxfords stood out more than anything else...her little vintage jeans bag was super cute too. SALLYANN ♥